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Al Ebtekar

Manufacture of Cartons & Boxes used for Packaging

Al Ebtekar

Commercial Printing for local and international markets.


Composing, Design, Color Separation, Stripping, Printing & Binding


Broasted, Chips, Hamburger, Shawarma, Cake, Donut & Sweets used by Hotels, Restaurants, Bakeries & Confectionaries


The factory for Packaging & Carton Manufacturing is in 2nd Ind. City, All kind of board is available, for example Duplex, SBS board, etc. We offer production of various kind of boxes, specially for the packaging needs of Foodstuff, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Consumer Goods & others having specialised requirements.

Some of the boxes made by us are for packaging of:

Broasted, Chips, Hamburger, Shawarma, Cake, Donut & Sweets used by Hotels, Restaurants, Bakeries & Confectionaries. Hygeinic Purpose Tissue boxes of various sizes, colors with spot & full varnish and PE Windows. Pharmaceutical and Food stuff freezer box, which needs special specification & environmental conditions for manufacturing. Aluminum foil boxes including Aluminum blade fixing. Soap & other similar boxes which need to be manufactured to specifications suitable to the products.